Friday, February 21, 2014

Making time in our busy lives

We've all used the excuses before "I don't have time or I'm too tired to work out." I've used those excuses before too. I was out for a week. Working too many hours and I was "too tired" to make it to the gym.
    This week is no different but I am making time. If you can't go in the evening because of your schedule or your too tired, try going in the morning before work. Its a low traffic time. And it will make you feel energized and ready for the day. You can mark if off your schedule and reward yourself with a leisurely activity in the evening!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Hydrated for success

I am so proud of myself. Instead of buying a 12 pack of DP or Root Beer. I bought 2 cases of bottled water. Keeping your body hydrated and drinking the recommended daily intake keeps your body working at optimal levels. The recommended daily I take is 3.0 litters for men and 2.2 litters for woman.