Monday, November 11, 2013

My swim day

I've been swimming for most of my life. From a time as far as I can remember. I was a kid of probably about 7 or 8. I'm 30 now, so that's about 20 years or so. My dad said he was going to teach us how to swim. And then he dunked us in the lake (with our life jackets of course).And I remember floating. That's the first time I was introduced to the water. Our dad taught us how to swim. And I've been swimming ever since. I feel so at comfortable in the water.

Today was off day. And it being a beautiful Texas day, deep blue skies and cool breeze, I decided that it was a perfect day for such an activity. I did about 45 minutes of laps and jogging in the water. I've also read that swimming is a great recovery technique.  It sure felt great and then afterwards I relaxed in the hot tub. A perfect ending to a great swim day!

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