Friday, November 8, 2013

National Academy of Sports Medicine

I'd been doing a lot of thinking lately. Pondering about where my life is heading. Looking for a fulfilling career field that would I would be passionate about. And since physical training has become such a large part of my life I thought that getting my NASM Personal Training Certification felt like a natural step. I love helping people and also think that having a gym as my office would be exciting.  

I made the call today. Jessica Fluss is my educational consultant.  And I couldn't be happier. She made me feel at ease. She was very helpful and pleasant. She had excellent customer service.  NASM is one of the top accreditation agencies for a PT Certification. And If I aim to be the best, I know that NASM's program will be an integral factor in that endeavor.

There are chances in our lives where we make great decisions, choices that have the possibilty to impact our lives forever. I feel it in my gut, this is one of those decisions. 

I start class on Monday, so no more easy days off. I need to study hard when I am not working or working out. I want to absorb all the information as best as I can. So that I will be ready for the NASM PT Certification exam next year.  I am ready for the challenge!

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