Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving Blessings

First and foremost, I am thankful for my family. They are at the very core of my success and happiness.Without their unconditional love and support, I would not be where I am today. My mom has always been my biggest supporter. She has always been there to talk to and bounce ideas off. She is my best friend and a wonderful mother. She's instilled excellent work ethic in me. My sister Angie, or as I call her "soul sister" is my biggest cheerleader. She has also been a second mom growing up. Whos incredible loving and nurturing ability is eclisped by no other. And she's always been there for me when I needed her most.

My sister Cindy has always been a great source for guidence. My dad, has always been generous and kind, he would give his last dollar away if you needed it. He taught me the value of generosity towards others.

I am thankful for my niece and nephews. My niece Danielle, who is basically a girl version of me. We both love horror movies and have the same taste in music. She is my buddy. And she's a beautiful intelligent and lively girl. I am thankful to have my nephew Nathan back in our lives. It is a blessing beyond measure.
I am thankful for my health.  Body, mind and spirit.  I feel invigorated.I am thankful for my friends, who have had a large part in making me smile and laugh. I am surrounded by positive energy.

I am thankful to my precious cat, Toby. He has brought me many days of joy.

I have a lot to be thankful for. And no amount of money could create these bonds that I cherish so much.  ♥

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