Thursday, November 21, 2013

Vertical loading

Yesterday I tackled a vertical loading training system with a circuit style. Vertical loading is a training system that works out the entire body. The way it works is that you work out each body part and go vertically down the list then repeating. I.e. Total Body, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps, legs. Then repeat.

I incorporated this workout with a circuit which is doing each exercise back to back with minimal rest. The advantage of vertical loading is that by going down the list you are allowing each body part to rest while also staying motive. The circuit style helps boost metabolism and burn more calories.  Allowing adequate rest for each body part avoids exhaustion or undue stress. And also helps add strength to each set.
I did 4 circuits with 8 reps each exercise. This was my workout:

Step Up balance,curl, to overhead press (Total Body, 8 reps)
Ball dumbell chest press (Chest, 8 reps)
Ball dumbell row (Back, 8 reps)
Single leg dumbell scaption (shoulders, 8 reps)
Single leg dumbell curl (biceps, 8 reps)
Supine ball dumbell tricep extension (Triceps, 8 reps)
Step up to Balance (legs, 8 reps)

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